Without a doubt, the stability of the web hosting service is among the most essential aspects that you should examine before you buy a hosting package, but also the account management process shouldn’t be overly complicated. You would not like to sign in and out of separate platforms all the time to accomplish some plain tasks, would you? With the most popular Control Panels, there are no less than two accounts for a site – hosting and billing, so you’ll need to switch between 2 different systems to register a brand-new domain, then to host it and to upload the web files pertaining to it. It’d be way more convenient if you could manage everything associated with your domain names in a single place and spare plenty of time and energy, not to mention that it would be much easier to complete different tasks.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Shared Hosting
If you get a shared hosting plan from us, you’ll be given access to a full-featured Domain Manager, which is integrated into our all-inclusive Hepsia Control Panel. You’ll be able to register a brand new domain and then to host it or park it, to order Whois Privacy Protection or to modify its WHOIS information with only a few clicks. Using fast-access buttons, you will also be able to create a subdomain, an e-mail address or a database, to keep an eye on traffic stats, to access the website files or to get a new SSL. All options are conveniently grouped and are accessible in one single location, which will spare you a lot of time, so you’ll never have to leave the Domain Manager tool. You will not have any problems, as we have added instructional articles and video lessons to show you the full potential of our domain management tool.
Feature-rich Domain Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers
You’ll be able to manage your domains without any difficulty if you order a semi-dedicated service from our company. The Domain Manager tool, which is integrated into our in-house created Hepsia Control Panel, includes a lot of options that will permit you to do anything you’d like with just a couple of clicks. Aside from the conventional options that you’d expect from such a tool, such as registering/renewing a domain name, updating the WHOIS details or adding Whois Privacy Protection, you’ll also have access to more advanced options via fast-access buttons. In this way, you can effortlessly create an email, access your web files, keep track of traffic stats or purchase an SSL for any of your domains. All these features are available in one single location and regardless of the fact that the Domain Manager is an advanced tool, it’s intuitive enough to be used by people with little-to-no experience.